MAAE launches Student Arts Collaborative

We are happy to announce that MAAE’s group Facebook page is now the MAAE Student Arts Collaborative, a place where Maine high school students involved in the arts (any of the arts) can share their work, their thoughts and their questions with each other, with college arts students and with Maine post-grads already pursuing careers in the arts.

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We see this as a place where young artists will find support, encouragement, information and frank advice from their contemporaries and from those who have walked the same path before them.

The page will not only be for young artists but also managed by them. The cover photo designer is high school artist Piper Smith, a junior at Traip Academy in Kittery.
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The other two young managers of the page are Zachary Fisher, a freshman at UMaine in Orono, studying choral music
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and Meredith Crawford, 28, who grew up in Veazie, Maine and who is now a professional violist in Los Angeles.

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Encourage any young artists you teach or know to join the group by directing them to either the Facebook group (MAAE Student Arts Collaborative) or to the Facebook link on this website. Here is a handout you can give to your students.StudentArtsCollaborative

The more students who join and share their work, the stronger the support system will be.